Film – Script and Timings for shoot + Ideas for film

Please look at the memory stick for the finished films marked in Degree show folder

Script Blue Valentine 1Blue Valentine – film timings

Script Blue Valentine 1


The script I have created is from the film ‘Blue Valentine’ but parts I have changed from memories from my own experience. I told the actors the script is there as a guide line but if the actors have had similar situations that have happened in their life they can think back and improvise. I told them to go with the flow but not too much and can put the situation in their own words.

I have created these films by selecting scenes that relate to my own experience and reacting them in a similar manner. I used different couples to do the same scenes in different homes. The film is all about the consistent same process. By shoot three it got very repetitive but that is what it is all about . Experiencing this repetitive process again and again and working with actors doing the same scenes but just with different actors and locations.

i used none actors because i also wanted the contrast of people not being able to act. the awkwardness that they experience. It was interesting to see how people can be in akward situations. The volunteers tried so hard but you can see through body language and speech that they feel uncomfortable.

This method contrast with the original film Blue Valentine. The actors and professionals that are natural at acting fighting against none actors in the same scenes.

i have also made the film about relationships because I have and many others probably have experience the ups and downs that an relationship can be.

This subject is powerful and meaningful to me because I have been through a long term relationship where it has been a roller coaster of experiences throughout. Therefore putting this into my artwork has allowed me to express myself and meanings in an unique subtle way.

These films are shown on three monitors for each film. Designed to show that each monitor is implying that it is the couples TV/house.

The sound is through speakers which will overlay with each other to show the repetitiveness. This will confuse viewers which I want – This idea has come from the film ‘Candy’ with Keith Ledger – The scene when he is in a room full of his mad girl friends writing all around the wall. The sound of her voice intertwine and parts turn up and go down. Directed by Neil Armfield 





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